On the Road to Greatness Agents Conference invite/agenda cover This conference invitation booklet cover incorporated an authentic, engraved, leather applique. The unique, western cover design gave recipients a small taste of the upcoming conference theme to spark excitement.
2014 Annual Outlook cover This 2014 Annual Report cover was designed to introduce a new direction and brand for Scottsdale Insurance Company. A bold approach was taken to let stakeholders, agency owners, and customers know that new technology and support was on the way.
Nationwide E&S Pinnacle quarterly magazine cover This quarterly magazine communicated with valued contract agents across the country. I designed this cover to showcase all the talent and expertise the company had to offer. Software used: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop
Venture Magazine cover designs This quarterly magazine communicated with employees on corporate goals, events, and strategies.
Owners' Meeting Invite Booklet Cover This creative and interactive cover was a big hit with agency owners that received it. The cover pulled out to reveal the scenery the guests would experience at this elite Colorado resort. Inside pages described recreational events, classes, and travel details of the invitation-only event.
Corporate recruitment postcard cover This postcard cover was designed to recruit talent to open positions at Scottsdale Insurance Company. Further details were located on the postcard back.
Arizona Chapter Event Planners Gala invitation cover I designed this invitation to play up the auction event that guests would enjoy during the gala event, and also complimented the flavor and interest the guest brought to the event. I created the invite to reveal the colorful, auction painting as a parallel to the color and excitement the members bring.